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REDUCTION: to diminish in size 
There are two different ways I approach grip reductions. 
One is the “Candle method” for slight reductions in the back strap. This method does not remove any material from the grip but can reduce the grip noticeably. It is accomplished by heating the back strap and using a rigid surface to roll or press the swell or hump flattening or reducing it.
The other is the removal of material. This method can remove substantial amounts of circumference. Before I attempt to do a radical reduction I prepare the grip channel (between the magazine well and back strap) the interior of the channel should be roughened up and washed with denatured alcohol. If channel plugs are to be used to extend the bottom of the back strap as in a Glock 26, 27, 33, 29, 30 or 36 the inside and outside of the plug should be prepped the same way so the plug and pistol become as one piece with the Devcon DA 290 weld. After curing the grip can be mechanically reduced with out fear of working through the original back strap material as the Devcon is solid to the magazine well.
As I have said before, my processes will work for most polymer-framed pistols no matter who manufactures them, as well as rifle and shotgun forearms, pistol grips and butt stocks along with polymer accessories.